Connessione al Database avvenuta con successo
- Root:
Self: /album.php - Address:
Status: NOT Connected
Tipo Layout: mobile
DEBUG: true

Pc Grafica - Home Page

Informazioni Debug

SQL Query: SELECT * FROM album where utente='klax' and cat='1' and active='y' and private='n' order by rating DESC

Album Estratti: 1

Claudio Piccirilli's Photo Album

Album Category: 2014

  • ...
    • Venezia
    • Foto febbraio 2014
    • Categoria: 2014
    • Pictures: 22
    • Data: 16.02.2014

Informazioni Debug

QUERY: SELECT * FROM album where utente='klax' and cat='1' and active='y' and private='n' order by rating DESC
Number of Albums: 1
Username: - Album_Owner: klax - Test: NO-Logged - Album:1
Progr MIN: 1
Progr Max: 24
Fine Gallery




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